Before taking the Online Test, it will be helpful to review the main symptoms of the disorder.


Borderline personality disorder is a mental disorder that results in four groups of symptoms:

  1. Impaired Emotional Control: excessive, poorly regulated emotional responses, especially anger, that change rapidly;
  2. Harmful Impulsivity: impulsive behaviors that are harmful to you or to others, such as spending sprees, excessive use of alcohol or drugs, self-injurious acts (e.g., cutting), physically aggressive acts and sexual indiscretions;
  3. Impaired Perceptions and Reasoning: suspiciousness, misperceptions, an unstable self-image, a poor sense of your identity, and difficulty in reasoning under stress; and
  4. Disrupted Relationships: tumultuous relationships with a person close to you that vary from extreme fear of abandonment to episodes of excessive anger and the desire to get away from that person.

To receive an immediate response now, take this Online Test for BPD!

Instructions: Enter the number next to each statement that is closest to your condition for both the Current and the Past with:

0 (not present); 1 (mild); 2 (moderate); or 3 (severe).

1. My emotions change very quickly and I experience intense episodes of sadness, irritability, and anxiety or panic attacks.
2. My level of anger can quickly become inappropriate and intense.
3. I suffer from chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom.
4. I engage in two or more self-damaging acts such as excessive spending, unsafe and inappropriate sexual conduct, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating.
5. When upset, I engage in recurrent suicidal behaviors, gestures, threats, or self-injurious behavior such as cutting, burning or hitting myself.
6. I have a significant and persistently unstable self image, or of who I am or in what I truly believe.
7. I worry about what others think of me, or I have suspicious ideas, or can become paranoid (believe that others are planning to harm me); or experience episodes under stress when I feel that I, other people, or the situation is somewhat unreal.
8. I engage in frantic efforts to avoid abandonment by people who are close to me and on whom I depend.
9. My relationships are intense, unstable, and alternate between the extremes of over idealizing and undervaluing people who are important to me.